A voluntary contribution
The social commitment of the Cappeller Group has been developed over time and tries to improve continuously, based on the beliefs of our founders. The company supports a number of philantropic projects that focus on sponsoring charitable initiatives, (often for children), with the aim of helping to create a better future for those in need.

Social responsibilities
The social commitment of Cappeller Group has been developed over time and tries to improve continously, based on the beliefs of our founders. The company supports a number of philanthropic projects that focus on sponsoring charitable initiatives (most for children) with the aim of helping to create a better future for those in need.
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Respect of the environment
The growth and expansion of the group across the world, invests in environmentally friendly projects that contribute in lowering the environmental impact.

Respect of law
There are no laws that can guarantee responsible behaviour towards the environment, the individual and work. All of the above depend on a person's (or a group of people) willingness to pursue them as their responsibility. Companies and all businesses in general play a crucial rule in this. Creating an appropriate environment that reaches the entire corporate philosophy and that plays attention to values such as the respect of human rights, the environment, the law and social responsibilities, is not only a duty but a guaranteeed factor of success.

No to the weapons industry
Corporate social responsibility is the practice whereby companies integrate on voluntary basis, social and environmental concerns in their business operations, in order to contribute to society in the long term. In the pursue of a corporate responsibility, Cappeller Group has lead its business with a clear philosophy. It has avoided (direcly or indirectly) to supply the defence industry and has joined an international initiative that encourages companies around the world to create an economic, social and environmental action, to promote healthy and sustainable global economy; this guarantees the opportunity to share the benefits amoungst all parties.