Cookies policy
Who we are
Our website address is:
Cappeller S.p.a is a company with registered office in Italy in Via delle industrie, 32 - 36050 Cartigliano (VI)
The Data Controller
The “Data Controller” is Cappeller S.p.a.
What are cookies
Cookies are small text files stored on the users’ browsers and installed by the websites visited to collect information. When a user visit a website, the server sends a cookie to the browser that will store it. This happens with all browsers (Microsoft, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Explorer ...) and in all devices (laptop, smartphone, tablet). On the next visit the cookie stored in the user’s browser will re-transmit back the corresponding information to the same websites/server.
Cookies collect different type of data and can be grouped by functionality and how they are installed. Are divided in 2 main group: first-party cookies, when are installed directly by the same website that the user is visiting and in third-party cookies when are installed by third-party services, external to the website and not owned by it.
The first group usually stores technical information that allows the website to work, like log-in cookies or functional cookies, like the language choice.
The second group collects other type of information usually focused on marketing or analyses.
1) First-party cookies
This website make use of 3 first-party cookies installed on your browser when navigate:
_pll_language (to remember the language selected)
_session (to allow the log-in on restricted areas)
_cmplz (cookie with this name are used to confirm or not the choice of the user about which cookie are allowed to install)
These cookies are used to run the website system and to make easier the website navigation. They contain runtime information and do not store personal information. These cookies are directly installed by and since they are not used for purposes other than those described above, their installation does not require your consent.
You therefore may object to cookies being installed on your hard disk by setting your browser to disable cookies.
Check here for the instructions provided by the major browsers:
2) Third-party cookies
These cookies are installed by third-party services not owned by and their installation requires your consent.
This site doesn’t make use directly of third-party or profiling cookies.
Outsourced services used in this site
We use a third-party service to analyze the traffic of this website: Google Analytics.
This service doesn’t make use of cookies and so your consent in its use is not required.
However, for a better transparency with our customers, we leave you the choice. You can disable or allow this service and we’ll respect your opinion.
Embedded video
An embedded video from our channel of YouTube is used on the top banner of the homepage of this website.
YouTube, third party service, is set to '' (private-mode) not allowing their cookies to be set on your browser through our website; however because the video is stored in an external part, rather then our website and not owned by this website, the watch of the video may be monitored by YouTube analytics tools, including if you have an account and are logged in.
YouTube privacy policy
What happens if I disable cookies
This depends on which cookies you disable but in general the site may not operate properly if cookies are switched off.
Reset your consent
You can always change your mind re-setting your decision to allow/not allow the use of third-party cookie (analytics, marketing) using the grey button on the bottom right corner of each page.
Last review 10.02.2022